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Video: Remy Metailler se fractura una vertebra en el DH Urbano de Taxco 2016


Desafortunadamente, el corredor francés de Commencal Remy Metailler sufrió una no aparatosa caída al realizar un mortal hacía atrás en el último salto del descenso Urbano de Tasco 2016, en Mexico.

Como comentaba ayer en su cuenta de instagram, al sufrir la caída notó que algo había ocurrido en su espalda. Tras los primeros chequeos e inmovilizado, los médicos le aseguraron que era todo muscular y que estaba fuera de peligro, pues tenia movilidad en todo su cuerpo. Remy caminó y se movió con normalidad durante algún tiempo, y antes de coger el avión de vuelta a su país, se hizo un segundo chequeo, donde afortunadamente le detectaron la fractura y compresión de la vertebra T6.

Viendo el video de la caída, debe de doler y mucho, fractura o no, clavarse la rueda de esa manera y el movimiento que le hace el cuello al irse hacía atrás. Ahora toca un tiempo de reposo y vuelta a los entrenamientos más fuerte que nunca. ¡Animo!.

Video onboard de Remy Metailler en Taxco 2016:

Decalaraciones tras conocer su lesión:

Half a second after that shot I broke my back. I have not been progressing as fast as I wanted since I starting riding because I have always made my health the priority over the results or any other thing. The past saturday, I flipped the last jump of #DownhillTaxco and overshot a tiny bit. Just enough to take the biggest slam of my life, all on my back. I made a mistake and I landed like you never want to land. The shock was horrible and I knew even before I bounced on the floor that I had broken a vertebra. I wanted to make sure I won’t move before doing X-rays. The doctors took care of me and told me it was just the muscles. At this point I was just so happy but I knew my body and that it was probably more than this. The pain was not bad. I walked and danced fine after they told me I was ok, without taking any drugs. Yesterday I went to double check in Guadalajara before flying to France. Within two seconds the doctor saw I had cracked and compressed my T6. I was just walking, holding things, bending with no real struggle. My bones were not painful. Now I am going to rest the bone, and then go back to the gym to get stronger and healthier than ever. I am so determined and motivated to work harder than ever. Thanks @interproteccion, @altiusevents, @northmanco and @mdhbikes for the support. Photo by @nicoswit_photo. @commencalbikes @maxxistires @raceface604 @camelbak @vorsprungsuspension @acros_components @e13_components @htcomponents @allmountainstyle @whistlercore @camplifecoffee @whistlergrocery @whistlertrainer @bellbikehelmets @smithoptics. Thanks as well to every other riders, fans for the support and the great times. See you very soon.

Una foto publicada por Rémy Métailler (@remymetailler) el